Depth Medicine® 


Somatic Facilitator & Practitioner Certification 

Learn how to facilitate the process of soul emergence and awakening, through Embodiment and Somatic Processes, within a framework that works with the teachings of Gnostic Alchemy & the principles of the concept of the four stages of Jungian psychoanalysis. 


Level One Training Commences March 2025





The natural world demands a response that rises from the wild unconscious depths of the human soul.”

(Thomas Berry, “The Wild and the Sacred

A Revolutionary new way of approaching Psychology through the lense of Gnostic Alchemy, Soul Emergence and Somatics.



Depth Medicine® is a two part training course, designed to support practitioners in the Health, Healing and Therapeutic Wellness space to gain the skills to work with clients 1: 1 to gain invaluable knowledge and skills to hold clients through the depths of their soul transformational processes, safely with Somatic Training. 


Our full 8 month certification training is based upon the Four Stages of Soul Transformation and Emergence according to Gnostic Alchemy. 


Aligning the Four Stages of Jungian Psychoanalysis with the Gnostic Alchemy perspective of Soul Emergence. 

Stage One: The Confession Stage - which we call "Somatic Shadow Work"

In Gnostic Alchemy this is called the Nigredo or Blackening stage. 

This is the stage where the shadow is purged and where we experience a dance and tussle with our shadow. 

In this stage, we teach a process called The Dark Mirror - which is where we teach processes that support you to transmute the shadow through your relationships, which are our deepest mirror for transformation. 

Stage Two: The Illumination Stage - which is about developing an understanding of the Anima and Animus - in this stage we journey with and come to understand the philosophy of Archetypes, through the lense of Archetypal Astrology. 

In Gnostic Alchemy, we call this the Albedo or whitening process. 

It is where we discover the nature of the feminine and masculine principles and archetypes that exist as esoteric phenomena within us. 

Stage Three: The Stage of Education and Individuation. 

In Gnostic Alchemy, this is the Citrinitas or yellowing stage. 

It is the stage where Union between the opposites and Sacred Marriage occurs internally. 

Stage Four: The Stage of Self Realisation. 

In Gnostic Alchemy, this is the Rubedo or reddening stage - where all aspects of the Self come into wholeness and integration. It is the Christed completion of the alchemical journey of transformation and remembering of our divine nature: the self as the totality of the psyche. 



The core elements of the Depth Medicine® process. 

Whilst the training is structured according to the four Jungian Psychoanalysis stages / four stages of Gnostic Alchemy, there are techniques that we teach you, to be able to access and discern the root unconscious processes at play for yourself / your clients. 

Download our Curriculum and watch our free information session


Apply to join us. 

Our Depth Medicine program and certification is made up of Level One and Level Two training programs.

The Level One program runs over 6 weeks and gives an introduction to the map that we teach you to use with clients, allowing you to start immediately working with it with your client base. During the Level One training, you gain practical skills to start introducing the Depth Medicine work to your clients, in your own creative way. The Level One training is more basic, giving you a framework - but does not dive into the deeper esoteric philsophies around Alchemy, Archetypes and Astrology & More.

The Level One training IS a pre-requisite to coming to the Level Two Certification program. 

The Level Two program is our Certification training which gives you the title of Depth Medicine® practitioner. It is deeper, longer and gives you the skillset to work integrally with clients from all backgrounds. At this level, you are required to complete a certification process that includes you completing a logbook and recording client sessions. 


We accept applications based upon application and interview only. Please apply using the links below. 


Level One Program

Pay in full and save

Pay in Full and Save


Learn and apply the Depth Medicine map to your practitioner work. 


Level One Program

3 Part Payment Plan

3 Payments of $800USD over 3 months.

Learn and apply the Depth Medicine map to your practitioner work. 

10% interest applies on the 3 month payment plan. 


Level One Program

6 Part Payment Plan

6 Payments of $440USD over 6 months

Learn and apply the Depth Medicine map to your practitioner work. 

20% interest applies on the 6 month payment plan. 


Level Two Program Pay in full and save

Pay in Full and Save



Level Two Program 3 Part Payment Plan

3 Payments of $2420USD over 3 months.

10% interest applies on the 3 month payment plan. 


Level Two Program

6 Part Payment Plan

6 Payments of $1320USD over 6 months

20% interest applies on the 6 month payment plan. 


Bundle Level One and Two and Save

Pay in full and sace



Bundle Level One and Two and Save

3 Part Payment Plan

3 Payments of $3225USD over 3 months.

10% interest applies on the 3 month payment plan. 


Bundle Level One and Two and Save

6 Part Payment Plan

6 Payments of $1760USD over 6 months

 20% interest applies on the 6 month payment plan. 


Applications of Depth Medicine®

The Depth Medicine® Curriculum is designed to support you to work intuitively and shamanically, with the shadow and unconscious, to be able to support your clients to have deeper AND more integrative transformational experiences. 

It is ideal for those of you wanting to learn to hone your intuitive abilities and take your clients beyond the surface level transformation that the majority of the coaching industry offers. 

The techniques we teach you to work with are pin point accurate, allowing you to avoid a lot of unnecessary questioning and conversation and to get straight to the point and to the root of the issues your client is presenting with. 

Learn more by downloading the curriculum and watch the free information session

Apply to join us for our 2025 Cohort 

Apply for an interview by filling out the information below.