Spinal Attunement Trainer Mentorship



Apply to train with us in September 2024.

 An invitation to you, to go deeper with us, to understand and work with Shamanics & The Energetic Field with The Spinal Attunement Method, developed by Sigourney Belle. 

“I’m so glad that I followed my intuition about doing trainings with Soma Mystica. I was looking to continue my education around somatics and understanding trauma and their programs and course do a great job of going deep into those. If you’re a hands-on learner like I am, I highly recommend attending one of their in person trainings. The immersion is deep and incredible to witness and be a part of.” -  Adrienne (Breath of Gold - Breathwork Certification)


The training will take place over 8 months, starting in September 2024 and will involve one live in retreat training, which will take place in Japan in April 2025











The Curriculum.

JOIN US before September 1st 2024

Official start - last week of September 

There will be two live 2 hour mentorship calls / month with Sigourney. The dates + times will be confirmed once we have secured places and know everyones time zone 

Month One//

Call One: Introduction + Working with the Energetic Field, Space Holding Boundaries & Protection and Opening & Closing Shamanic Space with the Medicine Wheel

Call Two: Understanding Trauma + Trauma informed Space Holding + working with managing trauma and projections in a space. Working with client feedback. 

Month Two//

Call One: Unravelling our own projections/limitations as a leader with Embodied Shadow Work & Parts Theory. Implementing Peer Reflection Practises for self growth (you will partner up from this point forwards and have peer reflection practise sessions with a partner)

Call Two: Working with the Nervous System's energetic field. 

Month Three//

Call One: Call with David Bedrick- conflict management in a space (dismantling conflict + embodied conflict resolution)

Call Two: The Myofascial Meridians, Muscle testing the root emotional blocks in the meridian systems - partnered practise 

Month Four// 

Call One: Esoteric Anatomy of the Spine - revision + going into deeper anatomical concepts

Call Two: Blue Lotus Journey + Spinal Work

Month Five//

Call One: Somatic Intuition + Body Mapping Work - developing deeper access to your intuition as a teacher. 

Call Two: Group Energetics & Space Holding (with the SA method)

Month Six//

Call One: Going deeper into the method + practise

Call Two: Going deeper into the method + practise

Month Seven//

Call One: Embodied Business - support around your genius / how you work the method into your business

Call Two: Embodied Business - support around your genius / how you work the method into your business

Month Eight //

Call One: Practise + Implementation

Call Two: Practise + Implementation

November- Assessment & Certification

+ Attend and support on one LIVE Spinal Attunement practitioner training

+ There will also be one LIVE in person intensive immersion for trainers only, where we will dive deep into space holding + facilitation skills.  

+ Please note that we will also be giving you access to our Foundations Course as a part of this training, where you will be able to watch and learn from other teachers and leaders in the field 


'And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Life is a process of becoming" - Anais Nin

Why become a Trainer with us?

You know this is your calling and you want to take your work from 1:1 practitioner settings to teach this work to others. 
  • Turn this work into your career path by partnering with SOMAMYSTICA and to  teach retreats and trainings around the world. 
  • You have a community of people around you that are wanting to learn and practise our work. 
  • You desire to learn how to translate the work into group facilitation work
  • You are ready to step your income bracket up beyond Practitioner to Trainer
  • Split profit models of training available (with the business & facilitator and hosts)

Can you share more about the revenue model for Trainers in this business?

There are two options for earning as a Spinal Attunement Trainer. 
1) You organise and host the training in your community
  • Receive a higher profit split % share when you organise and host the training 
  • 4 days minimum priced at $5000USD for studio trainings or $6000USD (and above) for retreat trainings (or more if the expenses are higher, but we don't charge less than this for our trainings)
  • We retain $1500USD for the online portion of the clients training and you receive the remaining (3500USD minimum). If we referred the client to you, then we receive an additional $500USD referral commission. 
  • You are required to hire the space and do the organising (or outsource this to your own team) 
  • You do the sales & enrolment
  • We provide you with the essential learning materials to teach the work (our IP)  the manual + the spine and pelvis models + body markers 
2) We organise and contract you in to teach a training
  • We organise and fill the whole training
  • We pay you an outright amount, one week after the training, for teaching as either a lead or cofacilitator on the training 
  • We pay for all of your expenses to teach (travel expenses to and from the training + accommodation and food)
  • The fee is between $4400USD - $6000USD depending on whether you are a lead or cofacilitator on the training
  • You receive an additional 10% affiliate commission from sign ups on top of your contracted $ fee for teaching 

Join us in 2024 for our September Trainer Mentorship.


20 spaces are available. 
Pay in full & Save


  • 5 day retreat - Venue and Dates TBC
  • 8 Months of Online Mentoring - from September 2024 - April 2025 - 2 calls / month + a supervised online peer practise session
  • Certification as a Spinal Attunement Trainer to run your own Spinal Attunement Trainings and Retreats
Apply here
3 Part Payment (before December 1st)

3 x $5200USD / 3 months

  • 5 day retreat - Venue and Dates TBC
  • 8 Months of Online Mentoring - from September 2024 - April 2025 - 2 calls / month + a supervised online peer practise session
  • Certification as a Spinal Attunement Trainer to run your own Spinal Attunement Trainings and Retreats
Join us here
6 Part Payment

6x $2800USD over 6 months

  • 5 day retreat - Venue and Dates TBC
  • 8 Months of Online Mentoring - from September 2024 - April 2025 - 2 calls / month + a supervised online peer practise session
  • Certification as a Spinal Attunement Trainer to run your own Spinal Attunement Trainings and Retreats 
Join us here
12 Part Payment

12x $1500USD over 12 months

  • 5 day retreat - Venue and Dates TBC
  • 8 Months of Online Mentoring - from September 2024 - April 2025 - 2 calls / month + a supervised online peer practise session
  • Certification as a Spinal Attunement Trainer to run your own Spinal Attunement Trainings and Retreats
Join us here

Apply for an interview. 

Trainer mentorships are via application and interview only. Apply for an interview here. Limited spaces are available each year.

Once you have applied you will receive an email with discovery call links. Please make sure you check spam if it does not come to your main inbox. 

“Since a child I’ve been interested in Esoteric and Eastern knowledge and along my journey I came across Soma Mystica which immediately resonated with me. When I saw their programs for the first time and the founder Sigourney, I knew this is it. I felt at home. Soma Mystica gives you tools and support in the form of community for your inner journey back home and your professional development and growth. It gives you a fertile soil where you go into your own deep waters, grow and birth into the world your unique medicine. Soma Mystica is not for you if you are looking for light and love only. Soma Mystica gives you realness, rawness & depth. Since finishing the Spinal Attunement Training and becoming a practitioner, my life has been profoundly changing. Among all, I have more inner stability and groundedness in the ways I work - I set my business in a professional manner - and enriched my life from inside out. My chronic pain that I’ve had for the past five months is gone too. Soma Mystica’s wisdom and knowledge is the medicine of the future.”


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