Welcome to The Soma Mystica® Somatic Foundations Course.  

Learn the Soma Mystica® Somatic Tools for Self Healing & Inner Transformation. 




“I’m so glad that I followed my intuition about doing trainings with Soma Mystica. I was looking to continue my education around somatics and understanding trauma and their programs and course do a great job of going deep into those. If you’re a hands-on learner like I am, I highly recommend attending one of their in person trainings. The immersion is deep and incredible to witness and be a part of.” -  Adrienne (Breath of Gold - Breathwork Certification)


Become your own healer and guide. Learn a lifetime skillset that will never leave you. 

The tools you learn in The SOMAMYSTICA®  Somatics Foundations Training set you up to be able to move through the challenges in your life with ease. 

This course will teach you how to navigate, track and discern your own truth; to move through life from a place of knowing and intuition. 

You will learn how to really face and love the parts of yourself that you normally demonise and cast away as unloveable. 

They are tools for greater self connection, aliveness and vitality - skills that are fundamental in order to have a deeper more fulfilling relationships. 

Join our 6 month course here.

“I am an excitable person who only understands life lyrically, musically, in whom feelings are much stronger as reason.

I am so thirsty for the marvelous that only the marvelous has power over me. Anything I can not transform into something marvelous, I let go. Reality doesn't impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls.” - Anais Nin










Meet the Facilitators of The SOMAMYSTICA® Practitioner Training in The Self Holding Method Modality

We have selected facilitators who we believe to be at the foreront of their industry, bringing fresh and groundbreaking perspectives to the field of Somatics, Psychology & The Health and Wellness Industry. 

Sigourney Belle

Lead Facilitator + Founder of SOMA MYSTICA®

Bsc Physiotherapy (distinctions) specialising in Neurology and Womens Health (Pelvic Health). Death Doula. Shamanic Practitioner, Medical Intuitive and  Bestselling Author. Sigourney has revolutionised the Health and Wellness space founding the accredited modalities such as The Self Holding Method, Spinal Attunement, Somatic Herbalism, and Parasympathetic Pleasure. Facilitating sought after trainings globally her teachings are gathering profound and transformative results among practitioners and their clients world-wide.

David Bedrick

Embodied Psychology of 'Unshaming'

David Bedrick, J.D., Dipl. PW. Previously an adjunct faculty for the University of Phoenix and the Process Work Institute in the U.S. and Poland. David founded the Santa Fe Institute for Shame-based Studies offering facilitation training deepening skills of awareness and personal development. His work is revered globally and is considered a leading expert on Unshaming. With over 80 essays for Psychology Today, he has authored three books and his upcoming work "UnShamed," is to be published by North Atlantic Books.



Amit Carmeli

Vocal Alchemy + Founder of Music School of Life

A renowned artist, music producer, and founder of the Music School of Life in Israel.
With a musical career spanning 30 years. His Wild Roots Journeys explore the connection between life's energy and human expression, emphasising the importance of inner harmony and freedom through music and sound. Listening to and sensing our voices while singing offers insight into our state of being and promotes healing by merging our body with the music within, making singing melody a powerful tool for transformation.

Carly Rae

Pelvic Anatomy + De Armouring
 Carly is a highly experienced Womb Continuum Practitioner and ceremonial bodyworker with a
focus on pelvic work. With extensive training in various healing arts, including Rolfing Structural Integration, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Somatic Sex Education, Visceral Therapy, and more. She combines 18 years of education and experience to guide women on a journey into their female terrain, anatomy, and physiology, helping them reconnect with their bodies' innate wisdom. Her work centres on the deep intelligence within the body's cells and the remembrance of female physiological

Damien Bohler

Nervous System Regulation

Damien is a pragmatic visionary, synthesist and deep diver. He is focused on the future trajectory of humanity through relationship, and the practical, actionable tools, concepts and practices to get there. His gift is the interweaving of complex subjects into forms that can be easily integrated and embodied. His range of interest and expertise ranges throughout the realms of human relationship: Authentic Relating, Attachment Theory, Polarity, Sexuality, nervous system regulation, boundaries, Human Design, Gene Keys, transpersonal shadow work, and much more. He is the founder, director and head facilitator at Evololve Relating.


Tory Hale

Myofascial Movement Patterns

Tory is a holistic wellness thought-leader renowned for his expertise in fascial tissue, somatic therapy, and energy work. His journey from personal trainer to head of Therabody University led him to explore deeper dimensions of healing. Intrigued by ancient healing methods, he immersed himself in the study of acupressure, fascial tissue, energetics, breathwork, and shamanic practices. Now, he seamlessly combines his diverse knowledge to guide individuals in their path of healing and self-discovery, bridging ancient wisdom and modern science. You will be guided by Tory on a journey into the Myofascial - understanding our deeper movement patterns. 



Britt Laidlaw

Eco Somatics + the EARTHED framework
Brittany Laidlaw is a visionary wild woman with a unique talent for midwifing the dormant potential within humans through deep nature connection. She is a Somatic Ecologist, Rewilding Mentor, and Accredited Wayapa Practitioner with over 11 years of experience leading programs across 8 countries. She also has extensive experience in the tertiary education sector having led radically innovative post-graduate courses in Social Entrepreneurship and Holistic Design for some of Australia’s top universities.  Brittany's ground-breaking Masters thesis explored the use of somatic dance in connecting with and understanding living ecologies.


Shaking Medicine + Embodiment Facilitator

Sue-Allen is revered for her mastery in embodiment and movement, guiding individuals to connect with the divine within. Her sacred dance spaces strike a harmonious balance, inspiring participants to embrace the essence of dance in their lives. Honoring the body as medicine Sue-Allen facilitates various gatherings like sister circles and ecstatic dance workshops, Sue-Allen fosters celebrations of soul and body. With over 35 years of experience, she offers transformative somatic dance journeys, providing a safe haven for personal growth. Passionate about guiding others to authenticity, she embodies the magic of embodied prayer.


"As within, so without. As above, so below" - Hermes (Emerald Tablet)

The Foundations Course Curriculum. 

The Curriculum is to be completed over 6 months (you have 6 months access). 

During this training, you will learn the following:

- An Introduction into integrating Energetics into Somatics with Sigourney Belle

- An Introduction to Aryurvedic Constitition using Astrology with Sigourney Belle

- An Introduction to Unshaming by David Bedrick

- Ecosomatics and the EARTHED framework with Brittney Laidlaw

- An Introduction on working with Parts Work

- Kinesiology and Emotional Clearing- locate the root of your symptoms with Sigourney Belle

- Myofascial Meridians & Movement Patterns with Tory Hale

- Yin Yoga & The Myofascial Bands- releasing emotions through the Meridians

- Vocal Alchemy with Amit Carmeli from Music School of Life

- Pelvic Anatomy and Dearmouring with Carly Rae

And more. 

Whats Included: 

  • 6 Months Access to the Online Training Portal.
  •  12 x Core Somatics Foundation Modules with Global Leading Experts
  • Opportunity to join the Self Holding Method Practitioner Training after you have completed the foundations training, to become a Globally Certified Practitioner of Trauma Informed Somatic Space Holding

Pricing & Sign Up. 


Join our online Somatics Training. Start at any time. Complete the curriculum from the comfort of your own home with 6 months access.

Experience the depth and breadth of our Somatic Foundations course, uniquely distinguished by its comprehensive nature. We invite you to be guided back home - to your inner intelligence, to your body.


The Somatics Foundations Course - pay in full 

Pay in full and save 
$499 USD 

Access for 6 months via an online portal. 

The Somatic Foundations Course -
Pay in 3

Pay in 3 x $182 USD

10% interest on 3 part payment plans

Access for 6 months via an online portal. 


"For many years I have taken certifications, undergone trainings and mentored under different teachers to widen my mind & embody the teachings.


There was a gap, a missing link…

How to communicate what we know in the esoteric world & how to merge this with the scientific world.

Sigourney Belle & Soma Mystica has bridged this gap!

By being in her world for the past few years, so much has opened and solidified in my field.

Not only has my own knowledge become more embodied and visibility has gone through the roof because of using these practices, but my clients and their clients are having mind boggling results!

One of my clients with cancer is experiencing so much relief & the cancer is in remission.

If you were waiting to hop on board, the time is now! The world needs more of us!"


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