The Spinal Attunement Method - Globally Accredited Modality.

Join us in Bali August 2025

Learn our map that overlays the energetic body to the nervous system. Heal the root of your symptoms.


Apply to join us in Bali

“I’m so glad that I followed my intuition about doing trainings with Soma Mystica. I was looking to continue my education around somatics and understanding trauma and their programs and course do a great job of going deep into those. If you’re a hands-on learner like I am, I highly recommend attending one of their in person trainings. The immersion is deep and incredible to witness and be a part of.” -  Adrienne (Breath of Gold - Breathwork Certification)


I remember seeing a client and almost having x-ray vision- I could see a tumour in her breast. I asked her to go and get it checked. It turns out, that moment saved her life. 

When I learned that I was medically intuitive, my whole body relaxed. 
I first saw a psychic when I was 16. My mum took me to see him after a profound experience where he predicted my father would cut off his fingers (he did just weeks later). 

This man was a previous MD (medical doctor) who developed psychic skills and had transitioned into a successful psychic. He told me that "one day I would be doing the same thing as him". I didn't believe him at the time. 

And then, years later when I was working in the hospital system,  became incredibly overwhelmed and unwell. I started going on my own personal healing journey. Little did I know, the health issues I was having directly correlated with my awakening - my sensitivities and psychic abilities developing. I needed much more time alone and it took me years to really understand, on a deeper level, what was happening. 

After years of training and practise with tens of thousands of clients around the world, I now train practitioners to hone their intuition to be able to read clients energetic bodies and support them to shift the root energetic dysfunctions on a body-mind-emotional-soul-spirit level, both through somatic and energetic (personal and transpersonal) practises. 


Develop your intuition to be able to see through the symtoms and to the core root of the physical/mental/emotional/

energetic dysfunction by learning how to read the soma & subtle energy fields of your clients. 


"Everything you need to know about a clients symptoms can be picked up on in the energetic field of a client. 

It just requires the discernment and intuitive abilities to be able to read subtle energy. 

Everything begins in the energetic field, and then materialises. So if we can change the electromagnetic field that informs matter (the body) then we can change the root of what is happening in the body. 

This is why I believe that everything physical can be changed if we can find the root energetic cause" - Sigourney Belle

“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena.”
― Nikola Tesla










"My chronic pain that I’ve had for the past five months is gone"

"Since a child I’ve been interested in Esoteric and Eastern knowledge and along my journey I came across Soma Mystica which immediately resonated with me. When I saw their programs for the first time and the founder Sigourney, I knew this is it. I felt at home. Soma Mystica gives you tools and support in the form of community for your inner journey back home and your professional development and growth. It gives you a fertile soil where you go into your own deep waters, grow and birth into the world your unique medicine. Soma Mystica is not for you if you are looking for light and love only. Soma Mystica gives you realness, rawness & depth. Since finishing the Spinal Attunement Training and becoming a practitioner, my life has been profoundly changing. Among all, I have more inner stability and groundedness in the ways I work - I set my business in a professional manner - and enriched my life from inside out. My chronic pain that I’ve had for the past five months is gone too. Soma Mystica’s wisdom and knowledge is the medicine of the future." - Kaja 


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." - Nicola Tesla

Apply now

Study with us.

Course Curriculum. Study with us Online or In Person. 
  • Understand the Anatomy and Science of the Nervous System and Trauma
  • Learn about the Energetic Field and develop the intuitive abilities to be able to read the and work with the energetic field 
  • Learn practises to discern the root cause of a persons physical/mental/emotional/soul/spirit dysfunctions and correct them within the nervous system with our method, Spinal Attunement 
  • Discover and learn how to map the bodies energetic field map to the nervous system and how to assess, locate and treat dysfunctions by tracing the energetic root of the issue and working with subtle energetic field touch practise to unwind the underlying tension pattern creating the dysfunction
  • Learn our Chinese 5 Element Theory Map of the Meridians and Emotions and work with our gentle touch practises to shift blocked myofascial emotional tensions from the body

Join us in Bali this August.  


August 14th -18th 2025 nestled into the heart of the Jungles of Bali at the gorgeous Bali Ecostay

Nestled in the energetic heart of Bali with its own private waterfall. 

Spinal Attunement Bali 
August 14th-18th at Bali Ecostay
Pay in full and save. 

A once off payment of $5000USD

Includes online and in person training segments. 

Retreat style accommodation and catering included. 

Optional $499USD/year practitioner membership to join our global community of practitioners, to receive ongoing mentorship & receive access to our practitioner directory. 

Spinal Attunement Bali 
August 14th-18th at Bali Ecostay
3 Part Payment Plan. 

 3 Payments of $1833USD over 3 months. 

Includes online and in person training segments. 

Retreat style accommodation and catering included. 

Optional $499USD/year practitioner membership to join our global community of practitioners, to receive ongoing mentorship & receive access to our practitioner directory. 

***Please note: payment plans are to be paid out in full before the training commences

Spinal Attunement Bali 
August 14th-18th at Bali Ecostay
6 Part Payment Plan. 

6 payments of $1000USD over 6 months.

Includes online and in person training segments. 

Retreat style accommodation and catering included. 

Optional $499USD/year practitioner membership to join our global community of practitioners, to receive ongoing mentorship & receive access to our practitioner directory. 

***Please note: payment plans are to be paid out in full before the training commences


"For many years I have taken certifications, undergone trainings and mentored under different teachers to widen my mind & embody the teachings.


There was a gap, a missing link…

How to communicate what we know in the esoteric world & how to merge this with the scientific world.

Sigourney Belle & Soma Mystica has bridged this gap!

By being in her world for the past few years, so much has opened and solidified in my field.

Not only has my own knowledge become more embodied and visibility has gone through the roof because of using these practices, but my clients and their clients are having mind boggling results!

One of my clients with cancer is experiencing so much relief & the cancer is in remission.

If you were waiting to hop on board, the time is now! The world needs more of us!"



Apply to train and become a practitioner of The Spinal Attunement Method Modality. 


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